When the sun shines, heat transmitted through glass can quickly become unbearable. Our solar control films provide an effective barrier to high levels of infrared heat. Ideal for maintaining a comfortable temperature in conservatories & glass rooms.
Our solar control window films offer protection against solar glare, hotspots and uneven temperature variations, by using performance reflectives, subtle neutrals for listed and heritage buildings, and the latest nano technology and ceramic-based solar control films for virtually undetectable appearance.
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Protection from Theft and Intruders
To a thief, a broken window is an open door to the valuables locked inside. Your electronics, jewellery, merchandise and other costly possessions can all be gone in a matter of minutes after a criminal gains entry. Security film helps eliminate a burglar's easiest access route - a broken window. By making a window more difficult to shatter and holding the broken glass firmly within the window frame after breaking, illegal access is much more difficult and less likely to occur.
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